Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
Dear principals
I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff and invited guest who was present
And friends that I love .
Let us praise pray that Allah SWT has bestowed His favor so that we can gather here and on this day I will deliver a speech about drugs .
Prayers and peace we sanjungkan to the presence of our great lord , the great prophets , the noble prophet , the prophet Muhammad. He is as a human battering ram decadence . Through hard work , sacrifice , and struggle beliaulah , we can be free of kufr , ignorance and humiliation . Similarly , may prayers and peace remain tercurahkan for his family , his companions and followers until the end of time .
In Indonesia, the number of drug users is so large , due to weak enforcement of international traffickers companies can work together with citizens Indonesiadan great benefit . Narcotics Abuse and other additives itutentu brings a broad and complex effects . As a result , among others perubahanperilaku , health problems , decreased work productivity drastically , kriminalitasdan other acts of violence .
Drug abuse can be prevented through such programs mengikutikegiatan - social activities , do not hang out with drug users or dealers , not mudahterpengaruh solicitation or seduction to use drugs . Drug users biasanyalebih dominated by the youth and school children .
Schools also provide counseling to the students about the dangers and consequences of drug through the Teacher daripenyalahgunaan BP , discussions involving students dalamperencanaan for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools . Another important program is the program of Narcotics alert by identifying traits cirisiswa who use drugs , be aware of the existence of an unidentified guest or dealer , impromptu raid .
Usually dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware for prevention programs programdisekolah users or users in schools , they do certainly sajamengantisipasinya with as best they can . Smart as any of their tips , ibaratsepandai - clever squirrel jump , eventually falling as well . Avoid sniper moves deteksisekolah indeed they control , but given the addictive nature of the drug and Demand dosisyang higher then discipline will be revealed also a safe way .
For that let us avoid and stay away from combat as well as participate narkoba.Demikianlah use speech that I can say if there is an error in speech, I apologize . For the attention I thank you and I end
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
Dear principals
I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff and invited guest who was present
And friends that I love .
Let us praise pray that Allah SWT has bestowed His favor so that we can gather here and on this day I will deliver a speech about drugs .
Prayers and peace we sanjungkan to the presence of our great lord , the great prophets , the noble prophet , the prophet Muhammad. He is as a human battering ram decadence . Through hard work , sacrifice , and struggle beliaulah , we can be free of kufr , ignorance and humiliation . Similarly , may prayers and peace remain tercurahkan for his family , his companions and followers until the end of time .
In Indonesia, the number of drug users is so large , due to weak enforcement of international traffickers companies can work together with citizens Indonesiadan great benefit . Narcotics Abuse and other additives itutentu brings a broad and complex effects . As a result , among others perubahanperilaku , health problems , decreased work productivity drastically , kriminalitasdan other acts of violence .
Drug abuse can be prevented through such programs mengikutikegiatan - social activities , do not hang out with drug users or dealers , not mudahterpengaruh solicitation or seduction to use drugs . Drug users biasanyalebih dominated by the youth and school children .
Schools also provide counseling to the students about the dangers and consequences of drug through the Teacher daripenyalahgunaan BP , discussions involving students dalamperencanaan for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools . Another important program is the program of Narcotics alert by identifying traits cirisiswa who use drugs , be aware of the existence of an unidentified guest or dealer , impromptu raid .
Usually dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware for prevention programs programdisekolah users or users in schools , they do certainly sajamengantisipasinya with as best they can . Smart as any of their tips , ibaratsepandai - clever squirrel jump , eventually falling as well . Avoid sniper moves deteksisekolah indeed they control , but given the addictive nature of the drug and Demand dosisyang higher then discipline will be revealed also a safe way .
For that let us avoid and stay away from combat as well as participate narkoba.Demikianlah use speech that I can say if there is an error in speech, I apologize . For the attention I thank you and I end
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
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